My Custom Nvidia Jeson Nano AI project

Yes you read this right i try to create my own small AI project with help of other tutorials i can find and them update them.

List of dependencies i need for creatiing my project.

Material i used

  • Jetson Nano Developer Kit 4GB
  • Wall power supply
  • Samsung Class 10 MicroSD 32GB
  • 120GB SSD
  • Sata to USB 3 cable
  • Noctua NF-A4x20-PWM
  • Xbox Kinect v1

Before Begin

  • nano: Save and close Nano with Ctrl + X and then Y then Enter

Download jetson nano

  1. Download the Jetson Nano Developer Kit SD Card Image, and note where it was saved on the computer.
  2. Write the image to your microSD card with Etcher.

Install Ubuntu

  1. Select I accept the terms of the licenses and continue
  2. Select a language
  3. Select keyboard layout
  4. Select time zone
  5. Choose computer name, username, create password and then keep the Require my password to login
  6. Select the max size of the usb as the MicroSD is temporary use
  7. Select the MAXN - (Default) and click continue to start install
  8. After install login with new created account as steps above
  9. After first login it will pop a annoying Keyboard Shortcuts window…. Close this
  10. And close the other welcome window…

Updating Your Nvidia Jetson Nano

Keep your Nvidia Jetson Nano up-to-date by following these simple steps.

Update Package Lists

  1. Open a terminal window.
  2. Run the following command to update the package lists:
    sudo apt update

Upgrade Packages

  1. Continue in the terminal.
  2. Upgrade the installed packages to their latest versions:
    sudo apt upgrade -y
  3. After the upgrade is complete, reboot your device:
    sudo reboot now

Clean Up

  1. Once your device is back online and you’ve logged in, open the terminal again.
  2. Clean up unnecessary packages and free up space:
    sudo apt autoremove -y && sudo apt clean

Extra: Passwordless Sudo

For added convenience, you can configure your user account to use sudo without entering a password.

  1. Install the nano text editor if not already installed:
    sudo apt install nano
  2. Open the sudoers file using the visudo command:
    sudo visudo
  3. Add the following line, replacing your_username with your actual username:
    your_username ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL
  4. Save and exit nano by pressing Ctrl + X, confirming with Y, and then pressing Enter.

Wipe SSD and Moving MicroSD to SSD

  1. Mount the SSD in your Jetson Nano

  2. Open Disks

  3. Select the SSD Disk and Press Ctrl + F

    • Erase: Don't overwrite existing data (Quick) or Overwrite existing data with zeroes (slow)
    • Partitioning: Compatitble with modern systems and hard disks > 2TB (GPT)
  4. Click Format...

  5. Again click on Format and wait….. Depends on what u selected (Quick) or (Slow)

  6. Now Click on the + Create Patrtition

  7. I have set the Partition size to 110GB for SWAP (We will use this later this page)

  8. Click Next

    • Volume Name: Create one
    • Type: Internal disk for use with Linux systems only (Ext4)
  9. Click on Create

  10. Finnaly mount the SSD

  11. After the SSD is mounted open Terminal again as we need nano for later use.

    sudo apt install nano
  12. Now we download the repository bootFromUSB from JetsonHacks

    git clone
  13. Enter the bootFromUSB folder

    cd bootFromUSB
  14. We need to have the SSD UUID so


    This will output ssomething like this

    PARTUUID of Partition: /dev/sda1
    Sample snippet for /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf entry:
    APPEND ${cbootargs} root=PARTUUID=a40b6c71-ca35-79d3-8an0-d6v66749e060 rootwait rootfstype=ext4
  15. Now let’s move the files from MicroSD to SSD

    ./ -p /dev/sda1
  16. Now we need to change one part in our SSD

    cd /media
  17. When we use the command ls will see a our current user for me is it syslogine


    So we enter the folder

    cd syslogine
  18. again when we do the ls command we can see our new created SSD for me it is myproject


    So we enter the folder

    cd myproject
  19. After were in the right SSD folder go to

    cd boot/extlinux
  20. edit extlinux.conf

    sudo nano extlinux.conf
  21. Replace


    with your SSD one, the one we early noted some where or still have that terminal open

  22. Finnaly… Lets shutdown Jetson Nano

    sudo poweroff
  23. After your Jetson Nano is powered off remove the MicroSD card and power on the device again now it should be powering up with the SSD instead of the MicroSD

you can also just watch this video from JetonHacks

Install Jetson stats

  1. Install pip3 because this is not installed by default
    sudo apt-get install python3-pip -y
  2. Now we can install jetson stats with the pip3
    sudo -H pip3 install -U jetson-stats
  3. best way is to restart your jetson nano
    sudo reboot now
  4. After restart and logged in run jetson stats

Make fan start at boot

We need to make the fan start at boot because why not…..This will help to cool your jetson nano allot with compiling and installing packages we need.

  1. Now we will edit rc.local with nano

    sudo nano /etc/rc.local
  2. Then add this to the rc.local file

    sleep 10
    sudo /usr/bin/jetson_clocks
    sudo sh -c 'echo 255 > /sys/devices/pwm-fan/target_pwm'
    exit 0
  3. Then add execute permission to rc.local file.

    sudo chmod u+x /etc/rc.local
  4. Again we reboot our jetson nano to see if this works

    sudo reboot now

    After 10 seconds when jetson nano is start the jetson clocks should start running

Installation of libusb

  1. First install Deps

    sudo apt install libudev-dev
  2. Lets create a fodler and enter it before be continue

    mkdir project && cd project
  3. Get the latest version of libusb

  4. Now we need to extract it..

    tar -xvjf libusb-1.0.26.tar.bz2
  5. And i love to work with folder with smaller names so rename it

    mv libusb-1.0.26 libusb
  6. Now we enter the folder we renamed

    cd libusb
  7. Let’s create the package or something.

    ./configure --prefix=/usr --disable-static && make
  8. Thats the install

    sudo make install
  9. after make install was succesful we can remove the .tar.bz2

    cd .. && rm libusb-1.0.26.tar.bz2
Last modified March 18, 2024: omg (df686ea)